順德服務區 項目地點:廣東順德 項目性質:商業中心 總建筑面積:5000平方 開業時間:2016改造 項目特點:廣東首個服務區改造成商業中心,改造后星巴克Starbucks等休閑業態進駐服務區,標志日后服務區將全面升級,提供更舒適服務質量,服務區將成為一個很好的消費場所,是顧客吃、喝、休閑、購物等理想環境。 | Shunde service areaProperties:lBusiness center Total area:50,000 m2 Operation Hours:2016 Characteristics:Guangdong's first service area was transformed into a commercial center., after transforming Starbucks and other recreational commerce service area, mark after service will be fully upgrade, provide a higher quality of service, service area will be a good consumer place, is the customer to eat, drink, leisure, shopping and so on ideal environment. |
2018-06-20 發布 瀏覽

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