鄭州香榭里購物中心 項目地點:河南 項目性質:購物中心 總建筑面積:1.8萬平方 設計時間:2015
項目特點:位于新興路核心商圈位置。結合三面臨街特點,主入口以玻璃幕墻為主設計,簡單時尚引導人流。商業面積1.5萬方,簡約為主,以材料色彩及材質搭配營造出商業氛圍 | Champs shopping center Properties:shopping mall Total area:18,000m2 Design time:2015 Characteristics:Located in the core business district of the new road.Combined with street frontage on three sides, the main entrance to the glass curtain wall design, simple fashion guide flow. Business area of 15000 square meters,the center is design contractedly by a well match of material color and textures ,creating a thick atmosphere of business. |
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